The name “Haptic Synergy” was chosen to reflect the core focus and mission of the website and research .

“Haptic” refers to the sense of touch and tactile feedback, which is a key element in human-drone interaction. By incorporating haptic technology, the aim is to enhance the intuitive and immersive connection between users and drones.

The term “Synergy” emphasizes the collaborative and integrated approach that Haptic Synergy takes. It signifies the harmonious interaction and combined strength that arises from the integration of haptic feedback and drone technology. It also symbolizes the collaboration between researchers, industry experts, and users to drive innovation and advancements in the field of human-drone interaction for critical infrastructure protection.

Overall, the name Haptic Synergy encapsulates the core principles of the website and research, highlighting the importance of touch-based interaction, collaboration, and the potential for greater synergy between humans and drones in critical infrastructure protection.

Reimagining Human-Drone Interaction

The vision for the long-term results of this research extends beyond its immediate impact. The goal is to envision a future where human-drone interaction is seamlessly integrated, intuitive, and safe, revolutionizing critical infrastructure protection.

The knowledge and insights gained from this research will not only enhance the understanding of UAV implementation but also inform the development of industry standards, guidelines, and best practices. Through collaboration and innovation, the aim is to create a lasting legacy that transforms the way drones are utilized, ensuring utmost efficiency, effectiveness, and safety in safeguarding critical infrastructure. Together, we can pave the way for a future where human-drone synergy leads to unparalleled advancements in protecting what matters most.

With haptic synergy at the forefront, we pave the way for a future where technology and human collaboration seamlessly combine, propelling us towards enhanced safety and resilience.”
Anja Kolak, reseracher


Anja Kolak holds a Master’s degree in Defense Studies and currently works as a researcher at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. She is a doctoral candidate focusing on the social factors of acceptance and usage of unmanned systems in different contexts. As a member of the Center for Methodology and Informatics, she is actively involved in several research projects. Additionally, as a member of the Centre for Social Studies of Science, she has a keen interest in social studies of science and technology, as well as theories and models related to technology acceptance. Anja also brings valuable research experience in the fields of modern weapon systems, information technology, and cyber security.



1.01 Original scientific article

  1. PREZELJ, Iztok, INJAC, Olivera, KOLAK, Anja. Democratisation of defence policies and systems in Slovenia and Montenegro : developmental and comparative aspects. Politics in Central Europe. Dec. 2020, vol. 16, no. 3, str. 713-741, tabele. ISSN 1801-3422.
  2. KOLAK, Anja. Indikatorji za prepoznavanje radikalizacije socialno ogroženih in udeležencev nasilja v družini. Varstvoslovje : revija za teorijo in prakso varstvoslovja. [Tiskana izd.]. 2020, letn. 22, št. 1, str. 43-60. ISSN 1580-0253. 
  3. KOLAK, Anja, MALI, Franc. (Vojaški) robotski sistemi : merila za razvrščanje v skupine in družbeno-etične dileme = (Military) robot systems : criteria for classification and social and ethical dilemas. Sodobni vojaški izzivi : znanstveno-strokovna publikacija Slovenske vojske. [Tiskana izd.]. nov. 2018, 20, št. 4, str. 71-84, graf. prikazi. ISSN 2232-2825.
  4. PREZELJ, Iztok, KOPAČ, Erik, ŽIBERNA, Aleš, KOLAK, Anja, GRIZOLD, Anton. Quantitative monitoring of military transformation in the period 1992-2010 : do the protagonists of transformation really change more than other countries?. Defence studies. Mar. 2016, vol. 16, no. 1, str. 20-46, graf. prikazi. ISSN 1470-2436.
  5. PREZELJ, Iztok, KOPAČ, Erik, VUGA BERŠNAK, Janja, ŽIBERNA, Aleš, KOLAK, Anja, GRIZOLD, Anton. Military transformation as perceived by experts. The journal of slavic military studies. 2015, vol. 28, iss. 1, str. 23-47, graf. prikazi. ISSN 1556-3006. 
  6. PREZELJ, Iztok, KOPAČ, Erik, ŽIBERNA, Aleš, KOLAK, Anja, GRIZOLD, Anton. Evolutionary reality of the revolution in military affairs : results of a comparative study. Revista românæa de ştiinţe politice. Win. 2015, vol. 15, no. 2, str. 4-34, graf. prikazi. ISSN 1582-456X.
  7. SVETE, Uroš, KOLAK, Anja. Varnostna relevantnost kibernetskega prostora v obdobju Web 2.0 = Cyberspace security relevance in the time of Web 2.0. Sodobni vojaški izzivi : znanstveno-strokovna publikacija Slovenske vojske. [Tiskana izd.]. nov. 2011, 13, št. 3, str. 21-40.


1.12 Published scientific conference contribution abstract

  1. PREZELJ, Iztok, SOTLAR, Andrej, VUGA BERŠNAK, Janja, KOLAK, Anja, KOCJANČIČ, Klemen, MODIC, Maja, PRISLAN MIHELIČ, Kaja, ČERNIGOJ, Albert, LOBNIKAR, Branko. Predstavitev tematske številke revije Varstvoslovje in okrogla miza “Indikatorsko spremljanje radikalizacije”. In: MODIC, Maja (ed.), et al. 21. dnevi varstvoslovja, Ljubljana, 3. junij 2020 : zbornik povzetkov. 1. izd. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze, 2020. ISBN 978-961-286-360-9.
  2. MALI, Franc, KOLAK, Anja, OLOFSSON, Jennie. The reasons why the progress of genome editing will increasingly hinge on the involvement of wider array of social actors in the R&D decision-making processes. In: Technoscience from below : book of abstracts. MIlano: Società Italiana di studi sulla scienza e la tecnologia, 2018.
  3. PREZELJ, Iztok, MODIC, Maja, SOTLAR, Andrej, KOLAK, Anja, VUGA BERŠNAK, Janja, LOBNIKAR, Branko. CRP radikalizacija in celoviti protiukrepi v Republiki Sloveniji – predstavitev projekta. In: MODIC, Maja (ed.), et al. Zbornik povzetkov. 19. Dnevi varstvoslovja, Ankaran, 6. in 7. junij 2018. Maribor: Univerzitetna založba Univerze, 2018. Str. 70. ISBN 978-961-286-168-1. 


1.16 Independent scientific component part or a chapter in a monograph

  1. SVETE, Uroš, KOLAK, Anja. Defending cyber threats : what traditional national security approach can contribute?. In: ČALETA, Denis (ed.), SHEMELLA, Paul (ed.). Counter terrorism challenges regarding the process of critical infrastructure protection. Ljubljana: Institute for Corporative Security Studies – ICS; Monterey: Center for Civil-Military Relations, 2011. Str. 79-91. ISBN 978-961-92860-2-9.




2.01 Scientific monograph

  1. PREZELJ, Iztok, KOCJANČIČ, Klemen, KOŠNJEK, Zvonko, KOLAK, Anja. E-armagedon : družbene posledice večjih izpadov električne energije. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, 2022. 431 str., ilustr. Knjižna zbirka Varnostne študije. ISBN 978-961-295-025-5.
  2. PREZELJ, Iztok, LOBNIKAR, Branko, SOTLAR, Andrej, VUGA BERŠNAK, Janja, KOLAK, Anja, PRISLAN MIHELIČ, Kaja, MODIC, Maja, KOCJANČIČ, Klemen, FERLIN, Anica. Radikalizacija v smeri nasilja : temeljni koncepti, izbrani tuji pristopi in primer Slovenije = Radicalization towards violence : key concepts, selected foreign approaches and the case of Slovenia. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Založba FDV, 2021. 287 str., ilustr. Knjižna zbirka Varnostne študije. ISBN 978-961-235-937-9.


2.09 Master’s thesis

  1. KOLAK, Anja. Trend uporabe sodobnih oborožitvenih sistemov v oboroženih silah : primerjalna in kvantitativna analiza : magistrsko delo. Ljubljana: [A. Kolak], 2016. 131 str., ilustr. 


2.12 Final research report

  1. PREZELJ, Iztok, KOCJANČIČ, Klemen, KOLAK, Anja, KOŠNJEK, Zvonko. E-Armagedon – družbene posledice večjih izpadov električne energije : projektno poročilo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2022. 340 str., ilustr.
  2. PREZELJ, Iztok, LOBNIKAR, Branko, VUGA BERŠNAK, Janja, SOTLAR, Andrej, KOLAK, Anja, KOCJANČIČ, Klemen, PRISLAN MIHELIČ, Kaja, MODIC, Maja, FERLIN, Anica. Ciljni raziskovalni program Radikalizacija in celoviti protiukrepi v Republiki Sloveniji (RadCePro) = (Radicalization and comprehensive countermeasures in Slovenia) : končno poročilo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede; Maribor: Fakulteta za varnostne vede, 2020. 561 str., ilustr.
  3. GRIZOLD, Anton, BEBLER, Anton, MALEŠIČ, Marjan, PREZELJ, Iztok, ŽIBERNA, Aleš, KOPAČ, Erik, VUGA BERŠNAK, Janja, ZUPANČIČ, Rok, KOLAK, Anja. Preoblikovanje obrambnih politik v sodobnem varnostnem okolju = (Transforming defence policies in contemporary security environment) : operacionalizacija in izvedba raziskovalnega projekta : končno poročilo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2013. 131 f., graf. prikazi, tabele.
  4. PREZELJ, Iztok, KOPAČ, Erik, SVETE, Uroš, GROŠELJ, Klemen, SOTLAR, Andrej, KUSTEC, Simona, ŽIBERNA, Aleš, KOLAK, Anja. Definicija in zaščita kritične infrastrukture Republike Slovenije : raziskovalni projekt : končno raziskovalno poročilo. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, Obramboslovni raziskovalni center, okt. 2008. 526 str., graf. prikazi.
  5. PREZELJ, Iztok, KOPAČ, Erik, SVETE, Uroš, GROŠELJ, Klemen, JUVAN, Jelena, KOLAK, Anja, et al. Varnost in sodelovanje v Srednji in Jugovzhodni Evropi : končno raziskovalno poročilo. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za družbene vede, Obramboslovni raziskovalni center, 2007. 328 f., ilustr.


2.13 Treatise, preliminary study, study

  1. SINOZIC-MARTINEZ, Tanja, UDREA, Titus, NENTWICH, Michael, KOLAK, Anja, MALI, Franc, NARDONI, Maruška, et al. Technology assessment in Central and Eastern Europe : status quo in 2022 and future prospects. Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Technology Assessment (ITA), 2022. 1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (31 str.)), ilustr., zvd. Institute of Technology Assessment research reports. ISSN 1818-6556.
  2. GRIZOLD, Anton, PREZELJ, Iztok, KOPAČ, Erik, VUGA BERŠNAK, Janja, ŽIBERNA, Aleš, KOLAK, Anja, ZUPANČIČ, Rok. Survey results on perception of transformation of armed forces : research project “Transformation of defense policies and systems”. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede, 2013. 12 str., tabele.



3.15 Unpublished conference contribution

  1. MALI, Franc, NARDONI, Maruška, KOLAK, Anja. Technology assessment : Slovenia : presentation at the Online Conference Technology Assessment in Central and Eastern Europe, online, 22. 3. 2022.

3.25 Other performed works

  1. PREZELJ, Iztok (discussant), KOCJANČIČ, Klemen (discussant), KOŠNJEK, Zvonko (discussant), KOLAK, Anja (discussant). Posvet E-Armagedon – družbene posledice večjih izpadov električne energije : posvet, 27. novembra 2022, Zoom.


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